Garden Accents: Anemones
Charming Anemones are easy to grow and once you do, you’ll discover they’re a fantastic addition to your garden. Gorgeous all on their own or arrange them among other flowers in a spring bouquet and they add a finishing touch.
Once you’re acquainted, you’ll want to plant more and more of them.
Commonly known as Windflowers, Anemones are a diverse group, with several species blooming in spring and summer. This article focuses on spring-blooming anemones that grow from hard-brown corms, which are bulb-like tubers.
Often called Poppy Windflowers, Anemone coronaria have silky petals in clear, rich, saturated colours of magenta, royal blue, white and crimson red. At each bloom’s centre is a velvet dome surrounded by a ring or a crown of stamens. The flowers appear delicate, tossed about in the slightest of breezes, but they’re unusually tough, held above bright green curly parsley-like foliage on slender, but firm stems. They bloom from mid to late spring, and their profuse blooms are long-lasting up to 4 weeks.
In mild winter zones, you can plant anemones in the fall for spring blooms. Soak the corms for several hours or overnight in a bucket of cool water to hydrate and plump them up. This gives them a jump start on developing roots once they are in the ground. When planting, choose a full sun location with moist well-draining soils. Set the corms 5 cm (2”) deep, and 10 cm (4”) apart. It doesn’t matter which way you plant the corms; the sprouts will find their way to the light. Anemones are deer resistant too, and wonderful in mixed borders, rock gardens, and containers. Plant them in rows in flower beds to use as cut flowers and remember to disbud spent blooms to encourage another flush of flowers.

Florissa’s Tip!
If you live in an area with a colder winter, you can still enjoy anemones. Just plant them in containers and protect them from the winter extremes by placing them in a cool porch, shed or garage. Check on them periodically throughout the winter, occasionally watering to keep the soil moist.
Anemone Bordeaux
Anemone Meron Bordeaux is a stunning, new variety that is sure to bring a dramatic look to the garden. Velvety dark plum to burgundy blooms with a vivid purple eye zone and a blue-black dome at the centers are enchanting. These beauties are taller than other varieties growing 45 cm (18”) in height, which makes them ideal for planting with late-spring flowering tulips. Consider planting Anemone “Meron Bordeaux” with these tulip varieties for striking combinations.

Did you know?
Anemones planted in the fall will bloom in the spring. One interesting feature about these bulbs is that if they are planted in the spring, they will bloom in the summer too! Approximately 3 months after planting!
Anemone Caramel White
Anemone Carmel White is coveted for its large, open bowl, single white blooms with blue-black hearts. Growing 40 cm (16”) in height, “Carmel White” offers great contrast as well as illumination in the garden. Pair this anemone with the fringed tulip “Bull Dog” for a truly outstanding combination.