Plant a Flower Day
Looking forward to Spring? It’s just around the corner, but why wait?
Even if your garden is still snowbound, you can get a jump start by planting bulbs in pots. Calla Lilies, Cannas, Gladiolus, Oriental Lilies, and even Dahlias can be started in containers. By the time the snow melts away, your plants will be ready to transfer into the garden or move out onto the patio and deck.
Florissa’s Plant a Flower Day Pick:
Dwarf Oriental Patio Lily ‘After Eight’ is an ideal patio and deck companion, growing only 45 cm (18”) in height. Enjoy the exquisite fragrance of these deep cherry pink star-shaped blooms in July and August. These beauties bloom year after year, and they’re great for mixed borders too. Hardy to Zone 3.
Planting lilies as soon as possible after their purchase prevents the bulbs from drying out and helps them keep their vigor for gorgeous blooms. Unlike other bulbs, lily bulbs don’t have an outer protective shell; handle them with care to avoid breaking off any of the scales. In containers, set each bulb at least 15 cm (6”) deep and space them 5 cm (2”) apart. Set the bulb on its side to help keep water from settling into its center. Lilies enjoy sunny locations and well-draining soils. Water to keep the soil moist to the touch for optimal growth.
Happy planting!