Favourite Fall Flowering Bulbs to Plant for a Beautiful Garden
As you stroll through your neighbourhood from late August through October, you may see some new cheerful flowers popping up. These beautiful blooms are from autumn flowering Crocus and Colchicum. Like a breath of fresh air, they bring a fascinating and colourful addition to your garden, when many perennials are starting to wind down for Fall. Whether you’re a seasoned

Fabulous New Fall Varieties for Your Spring Garden!
Nothing says spring quite like a garden bursting with blooms, and to make that happen, fall is the time to plant your bulbs! Come September, the summer heat is on its way out and the cooler months are approaching. To have a fantastic display of spring flowers, fall is the time to get into the garden and plant. As you

How to Show Thankfulness and Remembrance in the Garden
Many veterans who carry the memories of war are no longer with us. It is now the continued generations’ duty to remember their sacrifices made for freedom. It is of utmost importance to find tangible ways to properly honor and show thankfulness for the sacrifices made for our country. Most Canadians hold the memory of WW2 close to their hearts,

Top 10 Things to Prepare Your Garden for Winter
Say farewell to summer and hello to fall and winter. Some years we have the joy of extended summers with warm weather that lasts well into fall. When these delayed seasons happen, it can mean extra growing time – hooray! Then when we have an abrupt change from the sunny warm weather to the regularly scheduled, cold temperatures of our

How to Grow and Care for Fritillaria
Looking for a unique flower to attract attention to your spring garden, but also to keep critters away? Fritillaria are distinctive and unique varieties to add to your spring flower bulbs wish list. These warm and arid climate natives of North America, the Mediterranean, and North Africa can grow well in our Canadian gardens. So, when building a garden with

Favourites for Fall: What’s on Our ‘Must Plant’ Lists
A favourite quote from Audrey Hepburn is “to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Nothing is more the case than planting bulbs in the fall with the promise of blooms, 4-6 months away in spring. The fall planting season is always an exciting time. There are so many bulbs to choose from. Shopping for spring flowering varieties is

How to Overwinter Dahlia Tubers
Dahlias are one of the most favourite summer flowering varieties. Unfortunately, dahlia season ends as winter approaches. The cold rolls in and dahlias fade away. Unlike most perennial roots and bulbs such as lilies, dahlias tubers are not winter hardy in most Canadian growing areas. So as a dahlia gardener, you now have an extra task on your fall gardening

How to Use Large Containers in Your Garden
Large garden planters make for eye-catching displays. There are many sizes, designs, and materials of containers. Big containers or barrels can be utilized in many ways to add variety, structure, form, and interest to the garden. The large size creates fantastic focal pieces, gives you more room to plant, and more choices of plants since you are not as restricted

Top 10 Fall Bulbs for a Spring Cut Flower Garden
Having a cut flower garden is so rewarding! There is nothing better than bringing your homegrown flowers indoors to enjoy. Bouquets of flowers bring instant colour to a room and make the perfect gift for friends and family. There are so many flowers available it seems like an endless selection. However not all flowers are best for cutting, so we’re here

New Fall Bulbs and Accent Flowers to Make Your Spring Garden Pop!
As the summer months wrap up, cooler weather starts to roll in and autumn appears. It’s a season of leaves changing colour, crisp fresh air, pumpkins, and it is also a very exciting time for gardeners! Spring flowering bulbs hit the garden centre shelves, complete with standard favourites along with some dazzling new varieties! It’s now time to plan out