Favourites for Fall: What’s on Our ‘Must Plant’ Lists
A favourite quote from Audrey Hepburn is “to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Nothing is more the case than planting bulbs in the fall with the promise of blooms, 4-6 months away in spring. The fall planting season is always an exciting time. There are so many bulbs to choose from. Shopping for spring flowering varieties is

A Sneak Peek of New Perennials for this Spring
If you're like us, you are always looking out for new things to add to your garden. It's a great way to keep up with current trends as there are always new and cool plants entering the garden scene. We always look forward to seeing the new perennials that are coming out each year. This spring is no exception -

Why Pollinator Gardens are Important, and How to Build One
Why should I welcome pollinators into my garden? Is it important to attract bees and butterflies into your garden? By welcoming bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, you are paying attention to the overall health and strength of your garden. Bees pollinate as they go from flower to flower. While visiting flowers in your garden, bees help your flowers reproduce and

Planting the Best Fall Flowering and Early Spring Garden
What Should I Plant in the Fall? There are many spring blooms such as daffodils and tulips, and in summer, beautiful lilies and dahlias. But what about fall and early spring when the ground is only beginning to thaw? There are bulbs you can plant in the fall to extend the blooming period of your garden and bulbs that will flower

The Newest Hosta and Perennial of the Year!
Looking for Something New for Your Garden? Every year two outstanding perennials are showcased in the world of horticulture. This year, Hosta ‘Dancing Queen’ wins the title of Hosta of the Year, and Aralia ‘Sun King’ is honored with the award of Perennial of the Year. These two varieties are exceedingly worthy of these accolades. Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’ ‘Sun King’ is a

New Summer Blooms!
Exciting new varieties from Florissa coming soon to a garden centre near you! We have beautiful new Colourful Companions that pair complementary with varieties in your garden. In addition, we have a gorgeous range of dahlias, lilies, and also fruit! Experience amazing blooms from summer through fall. Summer Fiesta Summer Fiesta is Florissa’s Choice of the Year. This bright and bold decorative