Planting the Best Fall Flowering and Early Spring Garden

What Should I Plant in the Fall?

There are many spring blooms such as daffodils and tulips, and in summer, beautiful lilies and dahlias. But what about fall and early spring when the ground is only beginning to thaw? There are bulbs you can plant in the fall to extend the blooming period of your garden and bulbs that will flower very early in the spring.

Plan and plant your fall and early spring garden in the fall. You can still enjoy blooms after the summer flowering season is over. Remember to plant your early spring bulbs as well. There are also varieties that will bloom right after winter to welcome you into spring!

Try Fall Flowering Crocus!

As summer blooms are fading away, fall flowering crocus and colchicums start to appear. These bulbs produce grass-like leaves in the spring and wait until fall to display their blooms. These bulbs are only available in the fall, so remember to include them in your plantings.

‘Sativus’, also known as Saffron Crocus, is an autumn-blooming crocus with graceful lilac petals which enclose three deep orange-red stigmas. The flowers’ stigmas are the source of the world’s most expensive spice, saffron. The Saffron Crocus produces a beautiful fragrance and can be harvested to use as a spice to enjoy in your recipes!

Plant fall flowering crocus in a full sun to part shade location of your garden, at a depth of 10 cm (4”), and space them approximately 10 cm (4”) apart. For maximum impact, plant in groups in flower beds, containers, rock gardens, and at the base of shrubs.

After a cold winter, early spring blooms are a welcoming sight that begins the beautiful spring gardening season. One of the heralds of spring, snowdrops are the very first to bloom. Snowdrops, also known by their Latin name Galanthus, are a deer-resistant bulb. There are many different varieties of Snowdrops such as ‘Flore Pleno’ (double blooms), ‘Mount Everest’ (large blooms), and ‘Woronowii’ (tall flowering).

Snowdrops bloom for a very long time – up to 5 weeks, as they are very cold weather resistant. Plant the bulbs 8 cm (3”) deep and 5 cm (2”) apart and they grow to heights of 10-25 cm (4-10”) tall in full sun to part shade. Some of their favourite planting spots are at the base of maple trees. Create stunning displays of snowdrops in containers or garden beds by planting them in clusters.

Are you ready to plant your fall-blooming and early-spring garden? For more information contact or visit your local garden centre. To find a retailer near you, visit Find a Retailer Near You


  • Bill
    September 6, 2020

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  • Linda Dayot
    September 13, 2020

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