How to Grow Begonias
The best time of year to start your begonias is February through to March. Begonias are ideal for containers and are available in several different forms: single, double, upright or cascading, rose form or fringed.
Table of Contents
Are Begonias Hard to Grow?
Although delicate in appearance, begonias are strong and easy to grow. Purchase tubers in February and March and if you start growing them indoors right away, you can have early summer blooms!
How do I start to grow my Begonias?
Start your tubers in a tray or container with good drainage holes and sandy growing medium. A 50/50 mix of sand and peat moss is ideal. Fill the tray evenly with moistened growing medium and place the tubers into shallow holes. Set the tuber rounded side down and the bowl-shape side up. The rounded shoulders of the tuber should sit even with the soil level. Cover lightly with growing medium so that you can still see the rounded shoulders and growing points when finished. Set the tray in a warm sunny location indoors where temperatures average 10-15° C (50-60 °F). Cover the tray with clear plastic or a lid if desired.
How much should I water my Begonias?
Check back often to ensure the growing medium is moist and if necessary, water lightly, avoiding overly wet conditions. Water the growing medium or soil and avoid the tuber itself.
When should I transition the young plants to larger containers?
When can my Begonias be moved outdoors?
Where should I plant my Begonias outdoors?
How long will Begonias last in my garden?
You will enjoy beautiful Begonia blooms continuously from June right up to first frost.
Are Begonias winter hardy?
The tubers store a lot of moisture so they will need to be cleaned and stored over winter indoors, in a frost-free, well ventilated area.
Florissa has a wide great selection of different varieties of Begonias. Contact your local garden centre to ask about their shopping options, or regarding pre-ordering product. Looking for a retailer near you? “Request a Retailer”
Pingback: How to grow begonias – Springtime Garden Centre
Dan Proulx
1. If I plant begonias this week (1st week of March) how many days will it take to reach the condition where they can be transplanted to a larger container?
2. What size container should the initial plating of the begonia be?
Hi Dan, thank you for your inquiry. Begonias can take a 4-6 of weeks at 60F, before you to see leaf growth, the roots will get growing more quickly. Keep the soil evenly moist and not soggy. Once there are 2-3 leaves you can transplant them to a part shade area that is away from strong mid-day direct sun. You can start the tubers in an open flat or in 4″ starter pots.
Would it be too late to plant begonias now? Would I follow the steps here or can I plant directly in their final spot?