Exceptional Weeks Roses
When purchasing a rose for the garden, we’re often looking for a specific colour, form or shape, and fragrance of the blossom. Possibly we’re celebrating a commitment or relationship with someone special, and we’re drawn to the meaning or the spirit the rose represents. Whatever your reason for purchasing the perfect rose, you’re making an investment and you seek the best in selection.
Known as “Tops in Roses” – Weeks Roses is dedicated to developing the best in all types of new rose varieties.
If you love roses, one of these beautiful new varieties is sure to find its way into your heart and garden.
Frida Kahlo® - Floribunda
“I paint flowers so they will not die.” – Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo, was an acclaimed Mexican painter best known for self-portraits and her use of bold, vibrant colours. A passionate gardener, she often plucked roses and marigolds to weave through her hair. This beautiful scarlet-orange rose with brushstrokes of gold and soft red blush is named in her honor, after her fiery independent spirit. The round shapely flowers, 3-4” across, are held in small clusters on a healthy disease resistant plant with clean glossy green foliage. This upright, medium tall bush is a prolific bloomer and the fragrance of each gorgeous blossom is mildly fruity. Each rose is a work of art and this variety of Weeks Roses is truly a conversation piece.
Easy Spirit™ - Floribunda
Easy-To-Love® from Weeks Roses are naturally disease resistant, vigorous and flowerful. Easy Spirit is one of two outstanding introductions to the collection this year. Large white flowers, 3.5-4.5” across, with a creamy base are non-burning and long lasting. The pointed buds unfold in a spiral into a formal bloom which holds its beauty throughout the life of the flower. An upright compact plant with lush glossy green foliage, Easy Spirit blooms abundantly from early summer to fall. Pleasing mild tea fragrance.
Easy on the Eyes™
Hulthemia Shrub Rose
This rose has it all going on! Easy on the Eyes is an excellent landscape shrub loaded with blooms and colour. In the spring it’s covered with clusters of 15-20 luscious pink to lavender blooms. Each branch becomes a bouquet, cloaking the healthy, clean, naturally disease resistant foliage beneath petals. The eye zone is most captivating, transitioning from deep magenta to smokey purple. Fresh and feminine, it has an inviting warm citrus and spice fragrance. A medium sized shrub, 60-100 cm (24-42”), with a rounded and bushy habit. Hardy to Zone 5.
Lady in Red – Climber
The perfect dance partner for containers, Lady in Red climbs over smaller trellises, arbors, walls, or fences. Old fashioned true red blooms, fully double and ruffled, are brushed with a hint of black smokiness. Each large blossom consists of 35-50 petals and conveys a light tea fragrance. A multitude of blooms are held in small clusters and cover the freely-flowering plant from top to bottom on 8-10 ft. tall canes. Lady in Red is a vigorous and beautiful rose that is ideal for small urban spaces as well as the mixed border.
Parade Day - Grandiflora
Parade Day is a rose festival with warm fuchsia pink blooms and bright white striping that unfolds in spiral-like fashion. Each classic double bloom is unique to itself, with a 25-40 petal count and non-stop colour until the petals fall. Self-cleaning, new flowers quickly follow. The citrus fragrance is strong and distinctive with spicy notes. Grandiflora roses have the flower form of a Hybrid Tea, but the blooms appear in clusters like a Floribunda. A vigorous plant and profuse bloomer, Parade Day from Weeks Roses is medium tall with an upright and bushy habit.
I am looking for both a Frida Kahlo and a Lady in Red Rose. Where can I find them? I’m in zip code 97123.