Astilbe Astilbe enhances our shady spaces and woodland gardens. When grown in rich moist soils, these plants benefit from dappled light and can tolerate the morning sun. Astilbe only ask that you water them regularly and if you do, you’ll discover how easy they are to maintain. Long-lasting plumes consist of hundreds of tiny flowers which attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The

Summer is a great time to get out into the garden and tackle those essential tasks that keep your outdoor space looking its best. After the bulbs are planted and the seeds are sown, continual attention can help make sure it looks its best all summer long. Here are some tips for tackling summer gardening tasks. Clean Up the Patio A job

Plants need the right amounts of nutrients to thrive, grow and produce. Sometimes, the soil needs a little extra help to provide plants with all the nutrients they are craving. Fertilizers, although helpful, are not a must-have for the garden, think of them as vitamins for your plants.  When you are looking for a boost in production, or to give

Are you looking to add a splash of colour to your garden? Try Gladiolus! There is just something about gladiolus flowers that brings me back to my first summers of gardening. Maybe it’s the spikes of flat 2D foliage that suddenly burst into 3D colourful blooms. Or maybe it is how the blooms unfurl over weeks in the late summer