What does farm-to-table eating mean? Farm to table is prioritizing where your food is grown and making sure items are sourced directly from local farms – or in this case, your backyard! If you have ever grown your own potatoes, onions, garlic, zucchini, carrots, or other vegetables, you know that it is much more economical than purchasing at the grocery

Whether you've just harvested some of your own garlic from your garden, or picked some up at your local grocery store, garlic can't be beaten when it comes to elevating your next meal! Many of my favourite recipes include lots and lots of garlic. But what about garlic breath? Irrelevant, I say! Your taste buds will thank you once you

Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds oh my! All gardens need bees and other pollinators to thrive and grow, they are the essential helpers. Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies may be nice to see in the yard, but are they really that integral to the life of a garden? Pollinators struggle with the loss of diverse habitats, undernourishment, and overall health, but you

What are invasive plant species, and why should you be concerned about them? Invasive plants are non native species that grow quickly and adversely affect the environment.  These aggressive growing exotic plants do not occur naturally in certain areas; therefore, they do not have any natural predators or environmental pressures to keep their abundant growth in check.   These destructive invasive

Having your very own vegetable and fruit garden is so rewarding. There is nothing better than fresh produce that you grew yourself - it tastes so good! One of the best ways to maximize your space and enjoy as much fresh food as possible is by succession planting. By staggering your different crops, you can take the advantage of a

If you're a home gardener, then watering your plants is probably one of your regular tasks. But do you know how to water them properly? There are some tips and tricks that can help make sure your plants get the water they need, without wasting, or overwatering them. So, if you're looking for ways to improve your watering habits, read

Dahlias are one of the most popular summer flowers. With hundreds of different colours, shapes, and sizes, it’s easy to see why people love dahlias. You can enjoy your favourite varieties year after year with some mindful attention during the growing season and aftercare in overwintering your dahlia tubers. Dahlias are great for a cut flower garden, giving you the