Looking for a Tulip?
It’s the first day of fall and a great reminder that spring is only six months away. Why not celebrate and go shopping for your favorite spring flowering bulb? Tulips are the most desired and inspire gardeners like no other flower with so many forms and colour variations, not to mention heights and blooming times. From natural mini-botanical tulips to

Florissa’s Choice for Fall: Spring Cheer (for a spring garden!)
As late summer turns towards fall’s glorious colour, the time to plant spring flowering bulbs arrives. It’s never too early to plan your spring garden, especially when Florissa makes it easy with the introduction of these spectacular new Colourful Companions. Spring Cheer We’re all longing for colour at winter’s end, and Spring Cheer blooms in uplifting shades of blue skies and sunshine. These early to mid-spring bloomers

Tuberous Begonias: Best Flowers for Shade
Enhance the beauty of shady spaces with blooms thriving in low light. Tuberous begonias are an ideal choice, as their gorgeous flowers can last for weeks. Once the first buds appear, they bloom continuously from June right up to the first frost. Don’t let their beauty deceive you. Begonias may look delicate, fragile, and fussy, but they’re actually tough and very easy

Anticipate Spring Flowers This Winter by Forcing Bulbs
Create your own showing of spring flowers by forcing bulbs indoors. Pots of sunny Tête à Tête Narcissi and Muscari are easy to force and come midwinter, you’ll welcome the brilliant colour and exquisite fragrance. These hardy flowers bloom only after forcing bulbs, receiving a cold treatment that simulates winter. If you want spring flowers to bloom in January and February,

Tiny Gems
If you love to see your garden waking up with the earliest spring blooms, there’s still time to plant these tiny gems before winter arrives. They will sparkle when planted on their own or in combination. They are easy to naturalize, giving more delight each spring. Deer resistant and low maintenance: there’s no weeding, no waiting for the foliage to die