Glorious summer flowering bulbs are so easy to grow and have beautiful blooms. Several varieties like Dahlias and Nerines will start flowering come August and September. Caring for your summer flowering bulbs at just the right time keeps the plants blooming and looking their best. Here are a few simple tips to help you enjoy seasonal summer blooms! During sizzling hot summer

Ever notice the curly pig-tailed-shaped stem that tops hard-neck garlic plants? It’s called a scape, and it appears about a month or so before it’s time to harvest those robust bulbs below. Garlic scapes are soft, lime green, and leafless, and at the end of each of them is a tightly closed flower bud. If you leave the scape on

This post by David Austin Roses is an excellent resource that explains the best way to prune English Climbing Roses. We highly recommend checking it out for its helpful tips! 'A Shropshire Lad' Climbing is a strong healthy variety with large glossy leaves and gorgeous soft peachy-pink flowers. The blooms are cup-shaped in the early stages, opening to form attractive rosettes.