All About Garlic: How to Plant, Grow and Care for Garlic!
Garlic, with its health benefits, rich flavour and culinary versatility, is a staple in kitchens worldwide. While garlic is readily available at grocery stores, there's something deeply satisfying about planting, growing and harvesting garlic from your garden or patio. Growing your own garlic allows you to experience the rewarding process of nurturing a plant from planting to harvest. Then you

Farm to Table Eating: Recipes for Your Garden Harvest
What does farm-to-table eating mean? Farm to table is prioritizing where your food is grown and making sure items are sourced directly from local farms – or in this case, your backyard! If you have ever grown your own potatoes, onions, garlic, zucchini, carrots, or other vegetables, you know that it is much more economical than purchasing at the grocery

Delicious Recipes Featuring Your Summer Harvested Garlic
Whether you've just harvested some of your own garlic from your garden, or picked some up at your local grocery store, garlic can't be beaten when it comes to elevating your next meal! Many of my favourite recipes include lots and lots of garlic. But what about garlic breath? Irrelevant, I say! Your taste buds will thank you once you

Garlic Scapes: A Culinary Treasure
Ever notice the curly pig-tailed-shaped stem that tops hard-neck garlic plants? It’s called a scape, and it appears about a month or so before it’s time to harvest those robust bulbs below. Garlic scapes are soft, lime green, and leafless, and at the end of each of them is a tightly closed flower bud. If you leave the scape on