Florissa’s Easy Layer Container for Fall
Make the most of small garden spaces and containers! If this is your first time planting bulbs, this project is super-easy to do, and it’s often called Spring Bulb Layering. Start by choosing a large container for planting in layers. Plastic pots are reasonably priced and available in many different styles and sizes. They won’t crack, and they do offer some protection

Anticipate Spring Flowers This Winter by Forcing Bulbs
Create your own showing of spring flowers by forcing bulbs indoors. Pots of sunny Tête à Tête Narcissi and Muscari are easy to force and come midwinter, you’ll welcome the brilliant colour and exquisite fragrance. These hardy flowers bloom only after forcing bulbs, receiving a cold treatment that simulates winter. If you want spring flowers to bloom in January and February,

Tiny Gems
If you love to see your garden waking up with the earliest spring blooms, there’s still time to plant these tiny gems before winter arrives. They will sparkle when planted on their own or in combination. They are easy to naturalize, giving more delight each spring. Deer resistant and low maintenance: there’s no weeding, no waiting for the foliage to die

Colchicum & Fall-Flowering Crocus
Did you know you can enjoy the first signs of spring in the fall? Planting colchicum and fall flowering crocus will reward you with beautiful blooms in just weeks. Best of all, each year they return with even more blossoms and require almost no effort on your part at all. Colchicum Colchicum are cormous perennials with dark brown leathery skin that bloom