Helpful Garden Tips for the Winter Months
Winter brings the beauty of snow, frosty gardens, and crisp fresh air. Although winter is a beautiful time of year, winter gardening can be challenging for gardeners. The cold temperatures, frost, and snow settle in, and growing and caring for plants in the winter can feel like an impossible task. But with a little creativity, tips, and a few handy

All About Hyacinths: Add Vibrant Colour to Your Garden
What better way to welcome spring than with the delightful sight and fragrance of hyacinths! These bulbous plants produce spikes of sweetly scented flowers in a wide range of beautiful colours, from soft pastels to striking deep blues and pinks. To begin to make your dreams of a scented spring a reality, jump into the garden in autumn to plant

A Deer Resistant Garden: From Planning to Planting
The joy of gardening is fruitful in many ways. From enjoying your morning coffee and watching the world wake up, to relaxing at the end of a full day in a quiet area. Harvesting your own flowers, berries, and veggies as you beautify the space around you is very rewarding too. But the more you garden, the more aware you

Elevate Your Spring Bouquets: Create a Stunning Cut Flower Garden!
There's something magical about a vase filled with fresh-cut flowers. Spring is a season of new beginnings, and what better way to celebrate this renewal than by planting a colourful cut flower garden? Fall is the time to start planning your spring-cut flower garden. If you're not sure where to start, we've got you covered. In this blog, we'll walk